Monday 29 April 2019

Mono-Print Monday - Setting Up Your Workspace

Welcome to Mono-Print Monday. This week I share some quick tips for setting up your workspace for a print run.

Here is a photo of my typical set-up.

Do not be tempted to get out any paint until you have everything to hand, unless you like acrylics on your door handles, drawers, chairs and everywhere!

The more space you have the better. I put my Gelli® plate in the centre on a Teflon sheet. If I'm going to be photographing I put a white sheet of paper underneath. As I'm right handed I put my roller on the right. I like to have 2, one for light and one for dark colours. To the right of that is a newspaper for cleaning the rollers on. When the page is full of paint I simply flip over to the next clean one. In front are all the paints I plan to use. I get any paint tools, stencils and textures out that I might want to use. These are on the left. I also have a big pile of clean paper, I know I'll go through loads and I don't want to go to the drawer with dirty hands. Baby wipes and kitchen paper are essentials. Sometimes I also manage to fit in a palette on the right for mixing colours too.

It's really important to consider where you are going to put your prints to dry before you even begin. Mono-printing is quick and you'll soon be buried beneath a pile of prints. One of my best investments was this drying rack from the educational suppliers. Really good racks can set you back thousands of dollars but a simple one like this is not too expensive and will make your life so much easier. It can hold paper up to A2 size.

What is your workspace like?

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